At the finish control it is easy to make costly mistakes, especially if you arrive right behind the previous car. Make sure you get the correct time recorded on your time card before you leave the control.
You will now proceed on a non-competitive road section to either another special stage or to a service area. Either way, make sure you are on time when you arrive at the next arrival control, but do not enter the control early!
If Stage 1 is followed by another Stage, simply follow the instructions for Stage 1 as already described.
If the next scheduled event is Service, the road book and time card will specify how many minutes you are allowed to service. Treat the service like a road section, and make sure you arrive at the "Service In" and "Service Out" exactly on time.

Do not leave Service too soon as you will be penalized! If you have to make repairs that take longer than the service time allowed you can depart late, but you will incur penalties that eat into your "maximum lateness" time so you risk being excluded from the rally. That is why it is important to prioritize the service tasks. In most instances it is better to leave the Service Area on time but with some tasks not done if you run out of time.
Remember that the driver and co driver are allowed to repair the car (but not in time control areas) so minor repairs can be completed during the following road section if necessary. If you have to do this, make sure tools and parts are in the car before you leave Service.
Now that you have dealt with road sections, special stages, and service areas, and you understand the road book and time cards, the rest of the rally should be easy!.......
During the Rally Continued
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